Laravel 11 for Beginners: A Step-by-Step Guide to Learn the Concepts

Arlind Musliu Portrait
Arlind Musliu

May 3, 2024 · 7 min read · 1,331 views

Laravel Concepts Features Illustration


We're excited to announce that we have updated all of our blog post examples to reflect the new Laravel 11 version! Our previous examples were based on Laravel 10, but with the release of Laravel 11, we wanted to ensure that our readers have access to the most up-to-date information and examples.

Laravel 11 brings several new features and improvements that make web application development even more efficient and enjoyable. Throughout our blog post series, you'll find updated code snippets and explanations that take advantage of the latest Laravel 11 features.

Don't miss our latest blog post, "From Laravel 10 to 11: What You Need to Know" where we dive into the key updates and features of Laravel 11.

Laravel best PHP framework

Learn Laravel Development with Practical Examples

We've written a series of blog posts to unlock the power of Laravel for you! The posts are helpful for those who are already familiar with Laravel or switching from a different tech stack. We've used practical examples that are easy to follow and teach the core Laravel features.

What is Laravel?

Laravel is a modern PHP framework used for web application development. It follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern and is designed for ease of use, maintainability, and performance.

These core concepts and features make Laravel a robust, full-featured framework that is highly popular among developers for creating a wide range of web applications, from small projects to large-scale enterprise applications. It's perfect for creating custom websites, online stores, RESTful APIs for mobile apps, internal web apps, all while offering scalability and robust performance.

laravel pipelines

Some Core Concepts of Laravel

We've explained each section in separate articles so feel free to visit them after looking at the summary below. The series explains the concepts based on the latest Laravel 11 version.

  • Laravel Installation - We guide you through the steps necessary to set up your development environment on MacOS or Windows devices.

  • MVC Architecture: Laravel follows the MVC pattern, which separates the logic of the application into three interconnected components.

    1. Model (data) - The Model is the data-handling layer of the application, responsible for representing business data and logic.

    2. View (presentation) - The View is the user interface layer, responsible for displaying the application's data to the user.

    3. Controller (logic) - The Controller is the intermediary that handles user input, processes requests, and coordinates between the Model and the View.

  • Laravel Collections: They offer an elegant, object-oriented approach to array manipulation, with a suite of methods that streamline tasks like mapping, filtering, and sorting for more readable code. You will love these!

  • Routing: The framework allows for a straightforward and intuitive approach to defining application routes, ensuring users are guided to the correct destination within your site.

  • Eloquent ORM: Eloquent is Laravel's built-in Object-Relational Mapper (ORM), providing an active record implementation for working with your database. It's like a smart assistant that helps you get and change data in the database without needing to write complicated code.

    • N+1 Problem: The N+1 query issue is addressed through Eloquent ORM's eager loading, optimizing database queries and performance with the with() method.

    • Laravel Debugbar: It offers an informative interface for performance monitoring and debugging.

  • Middleware: Middleware acts as a filtering mechanism that inspects HTTP requests entering your application. You can use middleware to authenticate users, log requests, or perform any other tasks before the request is handled by the application. Think of it as a security guard that checks requests coming into your website and can stop or change them before they reach your code.

  • Database Migrations and Seeding: Migrations provide version control for your database schema, and seeders fill it with initial data. This combination allows teams to quickly set up and share the same database configuration, making collaboration smoother.

  • Form Requests and Validation Rules: Form request validation ensures clean controllers and valid data passage with encapsulated validation logic in request classes.

  • Authentication and Authorization: Laravel simplifies authentication with easy-to-implement scaffolding for registration, logins, and passwords. It also offers options like Laravel Breeze, Jetstream, and Fortify for a ready-made and customizable authentication framework.

    • Blade and Breeze: The Blade templating engine delivers dynamic web pages with minimal overhead, while Breeze provides authentication scaffolding with Blade components.

  • Service Providers: Service Providers are important for application bootstrapping, offering a modular approach to registering services and integrating third-party tools.

  • Events and Listeners: The Event system allows you to listen for various events within your application. This can be used to notify users, react to user actions, or perform other event-driven programming tasks.

  • Task Scheduling: The Scheduler allows the definition of command schedules within the application, replacing multiple cron entries with a single, expressive method.

  • Queues: The Queue System defers the execution of time-consuming tasks to maintain application responsiveness, with a unified API for different queue backends.

  • Sending Emails: The process of sending emails is streamlined through a fluent API that supports a variety of mail services, enabling easy notifications and rich content messaging.

  • Localization: It supports easy setup of multi-language support, using language files for string translations, essential for applications serving a global audience.

  • Error Handling: Laravel provides a smooth error handling experience with detailed error pages for development and generic ones for production, along with extensive logging capabilities.

  • Testing: Laravel is built with testing in mind. It provides support for PHPUnit and PEST. It has several helpful testing methods, allowing for expressive testing of your applications.

  • API Resources: Act as a transformation layer that sits between your Eloquent models and the JSON responses that are actually returned to your application's users.

    • Laravel Sanctum API Authentication: Laravel Sanctum provides a lightweight authentication system for SPAs (single-page applications), mobile applications, and token-based APIs

Install Laravel for MacOS Windows

Installing Laravel

The Laravel Installation process is very straightforward if you already have the setup ready. It all starts with this simple command:

composer create-project laravel/laravel blog

This command will create a new Laravel project in a directory called blog.

We explain in detail the Laravel Installation process and all the technologies required to start your Laravel journey for MacOS or Windows.


We'll break down each Laravel concept further, so you'll be set to create anything from complex web apps to powerful APIs, all while pairing Laravel with front-end favorites like Vue.js and React. You'll be building impressive projects in no time! 🚀

Complete List of Lessons in This Series

  1. Laravel for Beginners: Fresh Installation on MacOS and Windows

  2. Laravel for Beginners: The MVC pattern

  3. Laravel for Beginners: Model Relationships and Eloquent ORM

  4. Laravel for Beginners: Laravel Migrations

  5. Laravel for Beginners: Laravel Seeders and Factories

  6. Laravel for Beginners: Routing Your Application

  7. Laravel for Beginners: Middleware

  8. Laravel for Beginners: Authentication and Authorization

  9. Laravel for Beginners: Events and Listeners

  10. Laravel for Beginners: Collections for Data Handling

  11. Laravel for Beginners: PHPUnit and PEST Tests

  12. Laravel for Beginners: Blade and Breeze

  13. Laravel for Beginners: Service Providers

  14. Laravel for Beginners: Form Requests and Validation Rules

  15. Laravel for Beginners: Task Scheduling for Automation

  16. Laravel for Beginners: Error Handling

  17. Laravel for Beginners: Using Queues

  18. Laravel for Beginners: Sending Emails

  19. Laravel for Beginners: Localization and Languages

  20. Laravel for Beginners: Query Performance Issues and Debugbar

  21. Laravel 11 for Beginners: API Resources

  22. Laravel 11 for Beginners: API Routes with Laravel Sanctum

  23. Laravel 11 for Beginners: CSRF Protection explained

  24. Laravel 11 for Beginners: Using Helpers PHP functions

  25. Laravel 11 for Beginners: Using Custom and Built-in Commands

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Arlind Musliu Portrait
Arlind Musliu

Cofounder and CFO of Lucky Media


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